HELPLINE METIL +32 56 78 21 74
Metil Industrie   Metil Industrie

Metil industrie becomes a part of Rycobel (more informations).


Torque electronic transducers to measure and monitor dynamic, static and reactive torques Digital displays and amplifiers
Analog and digital hand torquemeters for static CW and CCW torques, hand-held torque gauges
Special torquemeters for bottles and screwing applications in the packaging industry
Test benches for motors, drives and rotary components

Hand-held mechanical and digital torque gauges

Hand-held mechanical and digital torque gauges

» See the range

Static reactive torque sensors

Static reactive torque sensors

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Dynamic torque sensors (with slipring)

Dynamic torque sensors (with slipring)

» See the range

Dynamic torque sensors (without contact)

Dynamic torque sensors (without contact)

» See the range

Multiple components force and torque sensors

Multiple components force and torque sensors

» See the range

Digital displays and amplifiers to monitor and read torque transducers

Digital displays and amplifiers to monitor and read torque transducers

» See the range

Test benches for motors, drives and R&D or quality control on rotary components

Test benches for motors, drives and R&D or quality control on rotary components

» See the range